1. This is a digital product and all purchases are final. You will receive an email with the file once payment is completed.
  2. You may not use the Resource, in part or in whole, for commercial purposes. This means you can’t sell it, use it for advertising or marketing purposes, or use it in any other way in connection with a business or profit making activity.
  3. You may not post or otherwise make the Resource available on any website. You may not share the resources on any platform such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Email or any other platforms.
  4. You may not share, send, sell, sublicense, or transfer the Resource to someone else for their own Personal Use. Each Individual resource is for use by one specific educator only. This means that parents can use the resource for their children only and teachers can use it for their class only.
  5. The Quran Plan logo and website address must not be removed from, or obscured on, any Quran Plan resources you either display digitally or print/photocopy.