Top tips to help you teach your child the Quran by Sabrina Azhar -

I am Sabrina Azhar, a Sri Lankan but currently residing in Oman. Having completed my Alimah degree Alhamdulillah, I started teaching Qur’an, Arabic and Islam at home and in madrasah. Now being a mum of 4 kids Alhamdulillah, I hardly have time but I try to make use of any opportunity. My passion is writing, especially poetry and I go under the pseudonym: “A Textrovert’s Voice” on my social media accounts.

At what age did your child(ren) start learning the Quran?

At the age of 2 (for all 4 of them). I started with basic Arabic letters (using Flashcards) and indirectly memorizing the last 10 surahs (by playing on a device repeatedly)

I gradually went onto Qa’idah, Tibyan and Hifdh as I used to teach them at home. One hour of recitation in the mornings after Fajr and one hour of recitation after Maghrib.

What is your current routine for hifdh?

Recently we enrolled them to a Hifdh Madrasah as it was getting quite hectic doing it at home with my little one and other household chores. They learn their new lesson in the morning (sabak) and revise their previous and old lessons after maghrib (sabkee, Manzil). Madrasah is during the evening hours.

Ahmed (12 years) – Memorized 15 Juz

Maryam (11 years)- Memorized 5 Juz

Ruqaiya (7 years)- Memorized 2 Juz

What are your main challenges and how do you overcome them?

They lack interest sometimes and they tend to lose focus and concentration due to other things in their head. Their friends are not in the same field and they miss their playtime in the evenings, so they tend to compare with others.

We try to compensate during the weekend with other entertainment and activities. Also, we have to keep on reminding them of the virtues that would benefit them in this world and the Hereafter.

Being strict and forcing a child to learn will only cause a negative impact. Children should be taught with love.

How can we make the whole hifdh experience engaging and interactive for kids?

In this modern time, the method of doing Hifdh has changed and people have to agree and understand that. Alhamdulillah for Quran Plan. Its initiative was so beneficial for us;  starting with the Qur’an Circle, Hifdh competitions and coming up with fun and interactive Quran games Mashallah. I think Quran Plan is doing an amazing job and I am very grateful for all those Quran resources and opportunities Alhamdulillah.. May Allah reward them abundantly for all their efforts and grant them success throughout! Looking forward to more contests, products and motivational methods Insha Allah!

Learning the meaning and tafseer would be ideal too and stories related to the Qur’an. This would give them more exposure and interest in learning. I am yet to start that efficiently though.

Do you have a method for revision? How do you ensure effective hifdh retention?

Since they recently started madrasah for hifdh, it’s been much easier Alhamdulillah. As I mentioned earlier, they do revision between maghrib and Isha. In the mornings they learn their new lesson as they have to be ready to recite it to their Usthadh in the evening.

Other times, they listen to their lessons using their Quran player at home.

If you were to start the hifdh journey all over again, what would you do differently?

  • First and foremost, instill the love of Qur’an into the hearts of little ones.
  • I would be more organized and set up a proper timetable.
  • First ask my children how much they can do and not force them to memorize the target we want.
  • Many interesting resources and products related to hifdh emerged only recently within the past 2 years (For example: Quran Plan). Had I come across them earlier, it would have been much easier and better.

How do you keep yourself and your kids motivated to continue this journey?

I remind myself and my kids of the rewards and blessings promised by Allah Ta’ala.

And also, I encourage them to participate in competitions, take part in Qur’an recitations, do activities related to it, in addition to taking them out to a place that they like, buy something that they want or do something that they wish (within boundaries and if they have finished the required amount efficiently)

On days where your child doesn’t want to learn or doesn’t focus, how do you deal with it?

Like us adults, kids have moods too and they sometimes don’t want to learn or focus which tends to make us angry or worried. I sometimes just leave them to themselves for a day or two (thinking they may need a break) or I will minimize distractions like screen time, try new ways of bringing them back on track and show them related videos where it boosts their spirituality.

It’s actually not easy but we have to stay positive and keep trying for the sake of Allah.

How important is it for parent’s to be involved in their child’s hifdh journey?

Very important. Parents have to always be motivating and encouraging, taking up their lessons, checking up on their mental health, reminding them of the benefits, understanding and fulfilling certain wants related to their hifdh journey (for example:  getting a Qur’an Player, or setting a limited time for hifdh and choosing how much they want to memorise)

Above all, constantly making dua for them and supporting them throughout.

Did you do anything to prepare yourself for your children’s hifdh journey?

Not really. Alhamdulillah, since I had the knowledge and experience and have taught other kids before, it was easy to start with my children.

 If you were to give just one golden advice to other mums, what would it be?

Have the right intention, make learning Qur’an your main goal and focus on the Akhirah. Things may seem difficult throughout the process but never give up nor lose hope. Eventually, you will see its fruit and it will be all worth it Insha Allah. Just keep making dua!

Thank you to Sabrina Azhar for sharing these invaluable tips and advice. Connect with Sabrina on Instagram @_sabrina.azhar.